March Power Circle

Bestseller Blueprint: Unveiling the 4 Steps to Literary Success

Are you a Spiritual Entrepreneur or Healer who wants to serve others and makes a positive impact in the world?

Join us for an inspiring Power Circle event with the Female Entrepreneur Society, titled "Bestseller Blueprint: Unveiling the 4 Steps to Literary Success." This interactive and enlightening Power Circle is dedicated to helping you discover and set a powerful, theme word for the year 2024, serving as a beacon for your entrepreneurial journey.



WEDNESDAY, March 27, 2024

9-10:30AM MT/11AM-12:30PM EST


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Step into the world of literary achievement with the Female Entrepreneur Society's inspiring Power Circle event, "Bestseller Blueprint: Unveiling the 4 Steps to Literary Success." This Power Circle is a must-attend for aspiring authors who dream of not just writing a book, but crafting a best-selling masterpiece that earns accolades and awards.

In this comprehensive session, you will:

-Demystify the writing process by exploring and debunking the three biggest myths of book writing. Understand what it really takes to write a compelling and successful book.

-Discover the four powerful steps to authoring your award-winning, best-selling book. Each step is designed to guide you from initial concept to a finished product that resonates with readers and stands out in the literary market.

-Learn how to become fierce and fearless in your pursuit of writing. Gain the confidence and determination to start and complete your writing journey, overcoming any obstacles along the way.

-Engage in interactive activities and discussions, gaining insights from fellow aspiring authors and receiving guidance on navigating the publishing world.

This Power Circle isn't just about the technical aspects of writing; it's about inspiring you to take action on your writing aspirations. Whether you're starting from scratch or have a draft in progress, this session will provide you with the tools, strategies, and motivation to move forward.

By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of the path to writing success. Armed with the knowledge to bypass common pitfalls and apply effective writing strategies, you will be well on your way to seeing your name on the cover of your very own best-selling book.

Join us for this empowering 90 minute event and take the first step towards transforming your literary dreams into reality. RSVP by March 26th to secure your spot in this transformative gathering. Let's embark on a journey of literary excellence together!

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